Netflix 影集《攻壳机动队:复仇SAC_2045》第 1 季脱胎换骨,复仇推出长篇动画电影版。不仅加入全新场景,片中所有画面皆重新调色。本片由藤井道人执导,他的真人电影导演作品包括入围六项日本电影金像奖的《新闻记者》,以及《家族极道物语》。
Netflix 影集《攻壳机动队:复仇SAC_2045》第 1 季脱胎换骨,复仇推出长篇动画电影版。不仅加入全新场景,片中所有画面皆重新调色。本片由藤井道人执导,他的真人电影导演作品包括入围六项日本电影金像奖的《新闻记者》,以及《家族极道物语》。
回复 :This popular animated television cartoon featured two Stone Age families, the Flintstones and their neighbors, the Rubbles. Much of the humor was based on its comic portrayals of modern conveniences, reinterpreted using Stone Age 'technology.' Most notably were their cars, complete with absence of floorboards to allow them to be 'foot-powered.'
回复 :Out at sea, the campers see sunny skies - then discover a stowaway on board. A surprise attack from the deep leaves them stranded on unfamiliar shores
回复 :长发公主从大银幕转战小荧屏,迪士尼宣布制作动画剧集《长发公主》,故事承接影片结尾,长发公主与父母重逢后,拉上尤金、变色龙和骏马麦克斯,探索世界,把被困高塔的时光统统找回来,时间线在番外篇二人结婚之前。电影配音扎克瑞·莱维和曼迪·摩尔已确认回归,剧集2017年在迪士尼频道播出。