先锋It's the fall of 1985. The intertwining tales of three 5th grade friends, Chris, Joe and Ted, unfold in the suburban paradise of Palo Alto, as the threat of a mountain lion looms over the community.
先锋It's the fall of 1985. The intertwining tales of three 5th grade friends, Chris, Joe and Ted, unfold in the suburban paradise of Palo Alto, as the threat of a mountain lion looms over the community.
回复 :Rishi和Radha作为青梅竹马本彼此相爱,但是在一次事件后对彼此产生了厌恶,这种厌恶甚至在他们成年后仍然存在。当他们进入同一所医学院时,他们决定修补两人之间的感情并重新袒露对彼此的爱意。
回复 :靠耍小聪明替人出头的小混混戴小龙为了给重病的母亲筹集医疗费,不得不接下一单极具挑战性的困难任务:以卧底的身份潜入一所学校的喜剧班进行秘密破坏行动。然而在社会上游刃有余的戴小龙来到学校却屡遭碰壁,一群不按套路出牌的同学和一个特立独行的老师让戴小龙陷入了意料之外的囧境。伴随爆笑不断的神剧情和跌宕起伏的神逆转,戴小龙能否冲破层层阻碍,顺利完成任务?喜剧班的同学们能否见招拆招,轻松化解危机?
回复 :THE NINTH PASSENGER - A group of salacious students party aboard a luxury yacht only to turn on each other as a 9th PASSENGER picks them off one by one.