回复 :Based on the smash video game series by Double Fine Productions (Psychonauts, Broken Age) and the world originally created by Tasha Sounart, Costume Quest is a funny and mysterious animated series aimed at six to 11-year-olds. The show stars four kids facing off against the dark forces lurking in the shadows of their sleepy town of Auburn Pines. To overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, they must learn to unlock and master the magical powers of super-normal costumes-with each costume comes a new set of transformations and powers.
回复 :绝大部分的故事都发生在美国一个名为小镇村(The City of Townsville)的都市,飞天小女警则是这座城市的保护者,举凡阻止银行抢案、火场救援、防止怪兽破坏城市等,都是她们的工作。 飞天小女警对付犯案者及怪兽毫不留情,几乎总是会狠狠的揍他们一顿,再把他们丢进监牢或交给警方。飞天小女警有专属的热线电话,市政厅、小橡树幼稚园和基妮老师家里都设有分机。发生犯罪事件时通常是由市长打电话通知飞天小女警。飞天小女警的主旨是“英雄不是绝对的善,坏蛋也不是绝对的恶…因为每个人都有好的本性和坏的本性,只看你怎么选择。结尾画面和结尾语亦为本作之特色,各故事皆有结尾画面和结尾语。大部分的结尾画面为飞天小女警三人,结尾语通常则是“一天又平安的过去了,感谢飞天小女警的努力!”但前两者并非每集皆一成不变;较可能出现的会是解决该集纷争最有助力的人、事、物,而也并非绝对单一个体(也可能复数)。
回复 :完美无缺的班长羽川翼,在第二学期首日,受到一只巨虎瞪视 这是空虚的独白,无人聆听的告白