保坂Inspired by Christopher Nolan, members of a movie viewing club decide to make a movie. They shoot the whole process and record it for a limited edition DVD. It is a super hero movie called THE DARK NIGHT.
保坂Inspired by Christopher Nolan, members of a movie viewing club decide to make a movie. They shoot the whole process and record it for a limited edition DVD. It is a super hero movie called THE DARK NIGHT.
回复 :电影《7把枪》是以烈士“王洪合”的革命事迹改编而成,描写了1949年新中国建立前夕,以王洪合为区委书记的一队南下干部来到嘉兴王店地区接管七个乡镇,建立红色政权。然而当地土匪猖獗,为了反霸土改、保护群众并让送往前线的粮船顺利通过,王洪合及其六位战友以“七把枪”与数百土匪血战,最终在新中国宣告成立的时刻七人全部壮烈牺牲,谱写了一曲可歌可泣的英雄壮歌。
回复 :讲述虽然是传说中有名的Ace刑警,但在结婚后就到了民怨室工作的美英(罗美兰)和闯祸后被驱逐到民怨室的警察智慧(李圣经)相遇,偶然追赶犯罪事件的喜剧动作故事。故事中罗美兰饰演过去是机动队的王牌,结婚生子后放弃了梦想在民怨室担任主务工作的警察美英。李圣经饰演虽然在强力班抱有梦想但因为意欲过多接连发生事故后被派遣往民怨室的智慧。影片描写了两人偶然卷入犯罪事件,并一起扫荡犯人的喜剧过程。 罗美兰和李圣经虽然互相争吵的关系,但在抓捕犯人面前却不惜肆意展现义气的桀骜不驯的魅力,在调查过程中展现出的两位演员的武打动作也将给观众带来趣味性。————翻译转自@罗美兰-中文饭团
回复 :Youngsters living on the edge of the underworld in Bangkok. Their struggles and hopes, longing for pure love in harsh circumstances, are realistically captured in this remarkable debut film by Ekalak Klunson.