松滨市,亚洲区一伙潜伏在我国的特务窃取了“110机密”后,亚洲区通过密电通知国外特务前来转移。人算不如天算,这份密电被公安机关截获并破解了。得知了特务的阴谋后,公安侦察科的科长石岩(雷明 饰)和一班手下开始了特务斗志斗勇的游戏。随后,一名有份参与这次行动的特务在列车上被人击毙了,使得案情更加扑朔迷离。这场猫捉老鼠的游戏最终鹿死谁手?
松滨市,亚洲区一伙潜伏在我国的特务窃取了“110机密”后,亚洲区通过密电通知国外特务前来转移。人算不如天算,这份密电被公安机关截获并破解了。得知了特务的阴谋后,公安侦察科的科长石岩(雷明 饰)和一班手下开始了特务斗志斗勇的游戏。随后,一名有份参与这次行动的特务在列车上被人击毙了,使得案情更加扑朔迷离。这场猫捉老鼠的游戏最终鹿死谁手?
回复 :天豪集团主席病逝, 其子天接管一切, 天施计欲把义兄铲除, 杰逃亡至菲律宾, 得蔡收留为杀手. 一次任务失败, 杰和蔡被帮会追杀. 其时天豪集团被手下Ray所吞占, 杰查出他们被追杀实为Ray在背後操纵, 决定回港助天向Ray开战.
回复 :Using few words and gorgeous imagery, this is a poetic painting of a family, each in their own space on an August afternoon.
回复 :The Story is about a power battle which is taking place in the higher echelons of power unrelated and unconnected episodes occurring in different parts of the globe, Intertwine in an unforeseen manner to a revelation of mind games. The story delves the audience into the game of a brilliant master mind to reveal the true nature of all that are involved. It challenges the perceptions of who is the hunter and who is the hunted. It blends in a thrilling story with commercial elements of story telling to deliver a high octane action entertainer appealing to all segments of the audience.