球场A documentary that takes an exclusive look at Srpski film (2010) with never before seen footage of the film and the worldwide reactions of one of the most talked about, controversial films of the last decade.
球场A documentary that takes an exclusive look at Srpski film (2010) with never before seen footage of the film and the worldwide reactions of one of the most talked about, controversial films of the last decade.
回复 :美国阿巴拉契亚山脉的查图嘎国家公园岩洞群,朱诺(Natalie Jackson Mendoza 饰)、莎拉(Shauna Macdonald 饰)一行六人在此经历了一生中最恐怖的时刻,最终只有莎拉一人侥幸逃生。在此之后,警方派出大批搜救人员进山寻找遇难者的尸体以及可能的幸存者,但是最终却一无所获。女警官萝丝(Krysten Cummings 饰)负责询问莎拉失踪事件的始末,但是莎拉对过往发生的事情没有任何记忆。为了寻找幸存者和事实真相,萝丝带着莎拉再次来到岩洞群,并在此与搜救人员凯西(Anna Skellern 饰)和格雷格(Joshua Dallas 饰)等碰头。他们从废弃的矿井口进入岩洞,不久便发现贝丝等人的尸体。搜救人员意识到这不是简单的失踪事件,与此同时危险正向他们悄悄逼近……
回复 :原为《每朝新闻》社会部精英的田代圭介(谷原章介 饰)曾因一则揭露县警不端行为的报道引火烧身,最终被踢到边缘化的地域情报部。他每日里毫无干劲,敷衍着后辈木崎香织(冈本玲 饰)的各种八卦问询。这一日,田代和木崎被领导命令前往他的老家来实村对当地的萤火虫进行采风。与此同时,东央大学山川教授(渡边宪吉 饰)不久前在当地失踪,从而引起广泛猜测和轰动。此后《周刊每朝》的记者久野(上川隆也 饰)带着田代的旧相识川岛英子(青山伦子 饰)也赶至来实村追查线索。本来无心于此的田代,在采风中不断发现种种诡异之处,而他和木崎、久野、川岛最终不可避免地卷入了神秘的事件之中……本片根据松本清张的同名原作改编。
回复 :In this coming of age documentary, four friends on the Autism spectrum whom have bonded through humor and performed as the comedy troupe "Asperger's Are Us" will prepare for one final, ambitious show before going their separate ways.