回复 :Alex, fils d’un caïd pied-noir marseillais, s’est engagé dans la Légion pour échapper à un règlement de compte avec la mafia Corse… 4 ans plus tard, Alex déserte et revient sur Marseille pour retrouver Katia, son amour de jeunesse. Mais en ville les rapports de force ont changé : son père s’est retiré des affaires, laissant les Corses et les gangs des Quartiers Nord se partager le contrôle de la ville.La détermination d’Alex va bouleverser cet équilibre fragile au risque de mettre sa famille en danger...
回复 :The Giant Oarfish, the largest bony fish in the world, was known only by rare examples that died by stranding, as well as one sole fossil. Its extraordinary dimensions, as long as 15 meters, and shape in the form of a silver ribbon, inspired the myth of the sea serpent.For the past two years, scientific buoys, immersed at a depth of two thousand meters in the Mediterranean, off the French Riviera, have attracted countless species of pelagic fish ; among them, the Giant Oarfish drifting vertically, alone or by pairs. With the help of the world expert in Giant Oarfish and logistic collaboration of enthusiasts, a scientific expedition reveals the biology of this enigmatic ambassador of the abyss. Entirely shot in Ultra High Definition, the film raises the veil on its paradoxical habits: why do all the adults self-mutilate and rid themselves of two-thirds of their bodies without being affected? How do they meet in the immensity of the ocean? Why does this fish not have any known predators?
回复 :贝特(贝特·米德勒 Bette Midler 饰)和丹妮(丹尼·德维托 Danny DeVito 饰)也曾有过惺惺相惜浓情蜜意的曾经,只是两人都已经不太记得了。他们只知道现如今,两人是见面就要吵架的仇敌,都恨不得将对方除之而后快。终于,贝特下定了决心要执行他的暗杀计划了,哪知道在这个节骨眼上,竟然传来了丹妮被绑架的消息,劫匪向贝特所要五万元赎金,如果不给就要撕票,这可趁了贝特的意,他不需要弄脏双手也可以杀死丹妮,天底下竟有这等的好事?当然没有,在贝特开心的等待着绑匪撕票丹妮的档口,丹妮早已经和绑匪达成了共识,她雇佣了绑匪们杀掉她的老公。