强奸A group of graduate students get more than they bargained for while searching for the legendary Bigfoot. Not only is he real, but there's something far more evil lurking in the shadows, the Wendigo.
强奸A group of graduate students get more than they bargained for while searching for the legendary Bigfoot. Not only is he real, but there's something far more evil lurking in the shadows, the Wendigo.
回复 :见习特工克拉丽斯(茱迪•福斯特 Jodie Foster 饰)所在的城市发生了一系列专剥女性皮的命案。克拉丽斯奉命前去访问被收监的精神有问题的精神病学家汉尼拔博士(安东尼•霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰),以获取罪犯犯罪心理资料。汉尼拔要求克拉丽斯说出个人经历供他分析以换取他的协助。克拉丽斯的思维完全不是博士的对手,临阵败走了。又一名女子被杀,一人被绑架。今次被绑架的是参议员的女儿,克拉丽斯只得再次找到汉尼拔,汉尼拔给了克拉丽斯一些提示,他们的提示被汉尼拔的医生听见,医生立功心切,对汉尼拔实行严刑逼供,但汉尼拔什么也没透露。克拉丽斯在汉尼拔的提示下,一步步向凶手逼近。©豆瓣
回复 :The story of a champion freediver and expert safety diver, whose lives seemed fated to converge at the height of their careers. A look at the thrilling rewards — and inescapable risks — of chasing dreams through the depths of the ocean.
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