春暖Alex, a Greek Orthodox schoolteacher, falls for Lebanese Muslim lawyer, Eve. The relationship is forbidden by both families, and thus the emotional dilemma of 'Alex and Eve' is created.
春暖Alex, a Greek Orthodox schoolteacher, falls for Lebanese Muslim lawyer, Eve. The relationship is forbidden by both families, and thus the emotional dilemma of 'Alex and Eve' is created.
回复 :明朝万历年间,西门家族由两个寡妇统治着,她们分别是西门莎白一世和西门莎白二世,惟一的男丁西门靖已到婚嫁之年,二寡妇惟恐断了香火,把他的婚姻大事提上日程。西门靖生得白净秀丽,又爱抚琴作画,主张自由恋爱的奶奶鼓励西门靖多参加社交活动,增加认识漂亮姑娘的机会,而母亲却要为儿子物色佳人。西门清为达成家族“传宗接代”的心愿而进入男女混读的书院就读,结识了清丽可人的千金小姐宏塔山。山对清一见钟情。。。
回复 :电影提名09年度俄罗斯奥斯卡(尼卡奖)最佳电影。Based on Vladimir Makanin's The Prisoner from the Caucasus CAPTIVE focuses on the folly of war in an intimate, startling way. In modern times, the Russian soldiers are trapped in the vast Chechen landscape, stifling in the heat, lost in hostile, alien surrounds. The handsome, laconic commander Rubakhin and the playful sniper Vovka need a guide to lead their convoy to safety. They seize a local, beautiful boy, who becomes their passport to safety, but must pay a terrible price. And his captors will not escape from the incident unscathed either....
回复 :本片根据真实故事改编,讲述了1983年12月9日,太原十五中学生池越忠在迎泽公园后湖,挺身上前搭救两名落水儿童,自己却也陷入冰窟。随后赶到的迎泽公园绿化队队长王志胜3次潜水救起了这3名学生,池越忠因抢救无效不幸遇难。这两名被救儿童由于不同的家庭教育、不同的人生志向,走上了截然不同的人生道路:一名长大后报名参军,复员后勤恳工作;另一名由于家庭过分溺爱等因素,最后参与了黑社会组织,堕落为杀人犯被判处死刑……