日韩A young soldier killed in Vietnam inexplicably shows up to his family home one night.
日韩A young soldier killed in Vietnam inexplicably shows up to his family home one night.
回复 :Set in 1990, a lonely bachelor named David (Brian Landis Folkins) searches for an escape from the day-to-day drudgery of caring for his aging mother (Kathleen Brady). While seeking a partner through a video dating service, he discovers a strange VHS tape called Rent-A-Pal. Hosted by the charming and charismatic Andy (Wil Wheaton), the tape offers him much-needed company, compassion, and friendship. But, Andy's friendship comes at a cost, and David desperately struggles to afford the price of admission.
回复 :一名10多歲的青少年在網上被極端組織洗腦,決定離開敘利亞,加入反政府軍。他的母親為了把他帶回家,偽裝成記者進入戰區,最後被庫爾德武裝分子包圍。在民兵的伏擊下倖存下來後,她目睹了一場毀滅性的戰爭和痛苦的世界。但是她對孩子的愛給了她戰勝一切的勇氣。她唯一的想法就是活著把兒子帶回家。
回复 :小玲(程媛媛 饰)与金(李抒航 饰)是一对令人羡慕的情侣,迫于生活的压力,俩人住进了独居妖艳的陈女士(孔维 饰)的出租屋。每当夜幕降临,古屋的布娃娃都会制造各种恐怖事件。同时,陈女士千方百计的勾引金,让小玲步入崩溃边缘。万念俱灰的小玲饮下了千年魔汁,变成了再没有喜怒哀乐的布娃娃,而金则由于背叛爱情,堕入了万劫不复的深渊……