回复 :Kato is an aspiring screenwriter treading water. He spends his days pitching stories to offbeat agents and executives who are anything but impressed. Not that he has run out of ideas, they just don’t seem to go anywhere. Unlike his relationship with his girlfriend Zigzag – that one is going down the drain. Little does Kato – or anyone – know that life is about to take some seriously weird turns.While out to buy the special brand of food for his girlfriend’s dog Cerberus, Kato discovers an abandoned convenience store that transforms his trajectory. A stumble into a refrigerator catapults him into a realm of fantastical inspiration boosted by an eccentric couple he meets along the way. Might this be the key to getting his mojo back?Miki Satoshi (Adrift in Tokyo, What to Do with the Dead Kaiju?) returns with a surreal and quirky indie film that manages to be both charming and deeply philosophical. Teaming up with Japanese cinema expert and notable critic for The Japan Times Mark Schilling (Art, Cult and Commerce: Japanese Cinema Since 2000), Convenience Story takes you on an eccentric Dantean ride brimming with psychological tension and the zest of karma. From the purgatory of writer’s block, to a hell of an adventure, Kato’s journey is a satisfying and thoughtful tale.源自:https://iffr.com/en/iffr/2023/films/convenience-story
回复 :从外表上看起来,喜欢斑马和巧克力的楚元和同龄孩子没什么两样,一样的活泼可爱,招人喜欢。但他却被诊断出患有自闭症,妈妈庆淑(金美淑饰)听到消息后绝望地晕了过去。之后,妈妈为了减少病症对孩子的影响,投入大量心血,请了教练(李基英饰)训练儿子跑步,希望他能在真正的马拉松赛比赛中跑玩全程。随着时光的推移,楚元(曹承佑饰)长成了20岁的小伙子,但是智力仍停留在5岁孩子的水平上。他会把弟弟当成老师般尊敬,一听见音乐就不分场合、地点的手舞足蹈,但这一切并没有影响他的目标,在良母恩师的支持鼓励下,他朝着马拉松比赛的冠军不断奔跑。
回复 :影片讲述了“白天鹅”索尼娅的故事。索尼娅是世界上最伟大的运动员之一,也是现代花样滑冰技术的发明者。1936年,她决定前往好莱坞发展,成为电影明星。1937年,她的第一部电影打破了票房纪录,成了当年最叫座的影片。索尼娅迅速成为当时最富有的女性之一,身边总是环绕着粉丝、爱人和家人,从来不会孤单落寞。随着年龄的增长,聚光灯逐渐消失,但索尼娅依然拒绝退出荧幕和舞台。然而,当她摔倒在里约热内卢泥泞的冰面上时,此前的荣誉都烟消云散了。