回复 :整部电影没有台词,全部出场角色亦没有姓名。妻子(李恩宇 饰)得知了丈夫(赵宰贤 饰)出轨的事实,而儿子(徐英洙 饰)则目睹了父亲和开杂货铺老板娘(李恩宇 饰)在车内云雨的香艳场面。悲愤交加的妻子想要阉割熟睡中的丈夫未果,被愤怒冲昏了头脑的她将屠刀指向了儿子,惨叫声中,一个家庭彻底破碎了,丈夫将儿子送往了医院,妻子离家出走不知所踪。时光飞逝,拖着残缺的身体,儿子慢慢长大,他找到了父亲的情人,两人之间的关系紧张又带着一丝暧昧。一帮小混混闯进了杂货铺玷污了老板娘并逼迫儿子就范,事情败露后,儿子锒铛入狱。父亲发现用石头摩擦皮肤能够产生如同性交一般的快感,他将这一方法教给了狱中的儿子,在疼痛与欲望之间,儿子的性格渐渐产生了扭曲。
回复 :格雷厄姆(詹姆斯•斯派德 James Spader 饰)有一个特殊的癖好,就是为各种各样的女人录影,这些女人在他的摄像机面前都毫不遮掩地谈论自己的性经验和其中细节。当格雷厄姆回到阔别多年的家乡时,他除了一辆汽车和这些录像带,一无所有。所以他只能暂时借住在同学约翰家。约翰(彼得•盖勒 Peter Gallagher 饰)是一名成功人士,他和妻子安(安迪•麦克道威尔 Andie MacDowell 饰)的妹妹辛西娅一直都在偷情,对妻子总是爱理不理。安陪着格雷厄姆去找租住的房子时,两人在餐厅进行了一次关于性的长谈,安坦言自己并不怎么重视性生活,而格雷厄姆则道出了自己的秘密:他性无能。安偶然发现了格雷厄姆为各色女人拍的录影带,因丈夫冷淡而内心苦闷的她决定也来录影。
回复 :Three illegal drug dealers launched out on a voyage in a homemade submarine. The submarine worked well initially, but it started to malfunction. In attempting to reduce the weight somehow, they were investigating the cargo section when they discovered a young female, Reina, hidden there, and she looked appalling. As the situation gets worse, the tensions among the three men are heightened, and in the midst of this, Reina attempts to escape, but she has nowhere to go in the endless open sea.With an unusual setting of the submarine, where nothing can be seen other than the horizon, Submersible captures the tension of the conflicts between the characters and their struggle for survival, while the submarine environment itself arouses extreme claustrophobia and anxiety. The top star from Columbia, Natalia Reyes, who attracted the worldwide film industry’s attention with Ciro Guerra’s Birds of Passage (2018), and made her Hollywood debut in Terminator: Dark Fate (2019), once again draws attention in her role as Reina. (Jin PARK)