回复 : 2022年向中国年轻创造力致敬的电子音乐嘉年华,以Feat.为核心,还原圈层真实玩法“万物皆可电”,融合多种音乐类型电音风格加成,颠覆音乐想象。
回复 :《今天你真好看》聚焦年轻人婚恋群体,以“仪式感妆造”为切入点,为恋人打造时尚造型,留住每一个“最美”瞬间。节目特邀运动员、消防员等特殊职业的爱侣,呈现他们真实感人故事,也会选择高调求婚的脱口秀演员、以房车为家的年轻夫妇等热议话题的主角,明星和妆造师将用美妆诀窍和搭配“魔法”为每一对伴侣完成专属造型,呈现普通人的小确幸,呼唤大众对于本真幸福的向往,治愈年轻人的婚姻焦虑。
回复 :Home-bound from a five-month mission, the team is called back into action when the vice president is assassinated and the president-elect goes to ground after his motorcade is attacked. Back at home the women are abruptly uprooted when it's feared their lives are in danger as well, and the resulting chaos reveals a deep secret.