回复 :气氛无比凝重的1945年,刚刚经历过大战的美国社会处在一种不正常的状态,犹太人和黑人一样是受到歧视的种族,甚至不能进入游泳池。心地善良的长子阿德里安(艾德林恩·布罗迪饰)爱上了一个水性杨花的女人无法自拔;颇为反叛的次子则对一个黑人女孩无比着迷,并且喜欢上了黑人摇滚,爵士乐。而父亲乔经营的脱衣舞剧场门可罗雀,之后更是因为不法交易被判处多年的徒刑,库兹曼一家就在这种氛围中艰难地生活着.。
回复 :When a group of horny teens wind up on the grounds of a creepy abandoned asylum, they think they’ve found the perfect place to party. Little do they know that inside the building’s crumbling walls lurks a freakishly deformed maniac, driven to madness by the tragic loss of his fiancée in a car accident. With an array of grisly surgical tools at his disposal, it’s only a matter of time before the youngsters begin meeting various splattery ends at the hands of the ghoulish Coroner.Helmed by director Richard Friedman (Scared Stiff and Phantom of the Mall: Eric’s Revenge), and also starring Penthouse Pet of the Year 1988 Patty Mullen (Frankenhooker), Doom Asylum combines outlandish gore and a wise-cracking villain to create one of the most wildly entertainingly blood-spattered slashers of the late ’80s.
回复 :贝斯(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)是一名非常成功的摄影师,和丈夫派特(特里特·威廉斯 Treat Williams 饰)一起抚养着三个可爱的孩子文森特(乔纳森·杰克逊 Jonathan Jackson 饰)、本(瑞恩·莫里曼 Ryan Merriman 饰)以及凯丽(阿丽夏·潘娜维加 Alexa PenaVega 饰)。一天,在一场排队中,最小的本走丢失踪了,尽管贝斯和派特找来了全城最精明强干的警探,都未能觅得本的下落。这巨大的打击让贝斯的家庭濒临了崩溃的边缘。一晃眼九年过去了,贝斯和派特渐渐走出了过去的阴影,全家人在芝加哥开了一家餐馆。一天,一个名为山姆的男孩敲响了贝斯家的们,请求为他们修剪后院草坪。让贝斯没有想到的是,这个山姆,竟然就是从前失踪的本。