回复 :全くモテない童貞男、吉田圭。バイト先でも店長に怒鳴られてばかり。そんな圭の唯一の癒しは、優しくて可愛いバイト先の先輩、彩菜。だがある日のこと、圭はバイト先の控え室で、濃厚なセックスを繰り広げる店長と彩菜を目撃してしまう。ショックのあまり街をさまよう圭に、怪しい占い師が声をかけてくる。「あなたには、『48の奇跡』を起こす相が見えます。それを達成した者は、世界の王になれるのです。その為の試練は、性技48手を制覇すること。すなわち48手で48人の女性と交わる事です。」突然の予言に唖然とする圭だったが、運命を変えるべく試練に立ち向かう事を心に決める…!
回复 :重考四次的石鎮把成績單拿給爸爸看,看到兒子糟糕的成績,父親生氣地對兒子說,若這次他再考不上,就得去當兵,還提議要幫兒子請家教。從第一天開始,國、英、數所有科目的老師,都是漂亮性感的美女。 只要答對題目,老師就會完成石鎮的所有願望,因此石鎮努力苦讀。究竟每天過著幸福家教時間的石鎮,能否順利考上大學呢?
回复 :65-year-old Ganeshan has completely lost the zest for life after his wife's passing. But the news of his 7-year-old grandson Aadith's visit to India gives him a new lease of life. When all attempts to bond with the superhero fanatic Aadith fail, Ganeshan and his retired friends join in the madness of pretending to be a superhero league. The idea works like a charm. Little Aadith's excitement knows no bounds when he witnesses a secret meeting of this 'league'. Ganeshan is elated to receive his grandson's genuine affection for the first time. But the happiness is short-lived. The very next day a small girl gets kidnapped from their apartment complex. As the police start a preliminary investigation, Aadith turns to his grandfather with a glint of excitement in his eyes. He knows, just like any superhero, his 'thaatha' will solve the case in no time. Left with no choice, the old man turns to his ageing cronies. And thus, with aching knees, weak eyesights and greying hairlines, this League of Super (senior) Heroes is set upon their first mission.老伴儿去世后,他为了取悦孙子而组建了一个假扮的超级英雄联盟。当麻烦出现时,他们却不得不在毫无准备的情况下采取实际行动。