回复 :Freeform的《#诡媚海妖# Siren》第三季定於美国时间4月2日作两集首播。
回复 :《纸房子》第 4 部分在混乱中开始:教授认为里斯本已经被处决,里约和东京炸毁了一辆陆军坦克,内罗毕在生死之间挣扎。该团伙正在经历其最艰难的时刻之一,而敌人的崛起将会把抢劫行动置于严重的危险之中。
回复 :Fleeing from the twin horrors of prospective marriage and the baleful Aunt Agatha, Bertie sails to New York with Jeeves, where he hopes to lie low but instead he is charged with minding the ultra-shy mother's boy Wilmot, son of Lady Malvern, and showing him the high life. Oddly enough Wilmot takes only too well to the night-spots of Manhattan, wearing Bertie out in the process. Tuppy Glossop also arrives, to talk about car exportation with wealthy businessman Mr. Stoker. Unfortunately Tupper's business plan is nowhere near as lofty as it should be.