国产A story about four children living in a Mumbai slum in India. An eight-year old Kanhu writes a letter to the Prime Minister after a dramatic incident with his mother. A small boy has to achieve the impossible.
国产A story about four children living in a Mumbai slum in India. An eight-year old Kanhu writes a letter to the Prime Minister after a dramatic incident with his mother. A small boy has to achieve the impossible.
回复 :本片为程刚导演、辛汉白编剧,可谓早期的「监狱风云」。故事描述,香港在1953至1955年,曾被警方称为最黑暗的时期,那时候罪恶泛滥,百弊丛生,一日可发生三十二宗惊人案件,而犯罪份子有百分之四十是积犯;英廷特派专员来港调查监狱的措施,发现狱中不良份子,滥用权力,公报私仇,歪曲政府的监狱制度,造成犯人越变越黑,监狱变成地狱。影片主角江才(刘永)因不甘受探长侮辱,结果被控妨碍公务,判刑一年零八个月……
回复 :影片讲述了由金柱赫饰演的画家英秀和他的恋人敏贞(李宥英)之间的故事。英秀从别人口中听说敏贞曾和陌生男人一起喝酒,这件事引发了两人之间的争吵。英秀第二天去找敏贞,却发现敏贞、也有可能是和敏贞长得一模一样的女子(也可能是双胞胎,也可能不是)在和许多陌生男人不停约会,而那些男人全部都是她之前曾经交往的男人……
回复 :电影故事以中日战争末期的东北农村为背景,讲述了战争时期,乾四爷一家的命运轨迹。