回复 :When an encounter with the swinging scene has an unexpected impact on David's impotence, Alice thinks she might have found the solution to all their problems, but the poly-amorous world is a difficult place for a love story to flourish.
回复 :BlackWoman is abandoned in a cage in the middle of the desert and left to die. But she is not ready to give up all hope. She escapes, and walks through pestilence and persecution, from desert to mountain to city, to find those who left her to die.
回复 :乐观的石勇(杜汶泽 Chapman To 饰)最近霉运连连,老婆爱钱婚姻玩完,事业受挫生意落拓,不得已带着全部家当搬到郊区,以前“人见人爱花见花开”的日子彻底不复返,还被老板娘(恬妞 Niu Tien 饰)等误认为落难老大。就在他失意落寞的时候,忽然发现隔壁的“大力妹”李丽(江若琳 Elanne kwong 饰),这个性格倔强的姑娘,本是前途无量的举重运动员,因患糖尿病黯然退役,她没有专业技能,只能做搬运工作,每天起得比鸡早干得比牛多,生活依然非常拮据。两个“苦命人”同病相怜,一来二去就产生了感情,从此比翼双飞夫唱妇随,翌年就迎来爱情的结晶——胖小子。但是每日忙活在柴米油盐中的李丽,仍然放不下心爱的举重事业,石勇看在眼里记在心上,暗中协调各种关系,帮助妻子完成未遂的心愿。就这样,一个叱咤商场的精英男,把自己武装成“煎炒烹炸样样通,擦抹洗刷全不误”...