回复 :Peter convinces Fran not to stay away from her school reunion just to avoid her obnoxious braggart rival Jill, who married surgeon Frank. her plan is to take along even more desirable Elliot, who agrees at the gym to play the part. Peter tries out a 'gaydar' app. Fran ignores the gang's warnings not to hope for Elliot actually falling in love with her, so they stage an intervention. Jill ends up confessing her own depressing problem.
回复 :郑泽运将在剧中饰演藏有秘密的明星作家金正贤(音译)一角。河钟宇将在剧中饰演对每件事情都很积极,热情洋溢的出版社代表韩泰英(音译)一角。工作和爱情两手抓,将展现充满心动的罗曼史。
回复 :该剧是根据埃莉诺·卡顿的同名小说改编的,设定在19世纪新西兰的一个小镇,12个人聚在一起讨论最近发生的离奇事件,每个人都讲述了自己所知的片面信息,结合在一起,构成了一个交织着联合与背叛、秘密与谎言的复杂故事,如同罗生门一般真假难辨。