回复 :「恩赐之地」,或者称「雅园」(Graceland),是猫王所住公寓的别称。在本剧中,它指的是一个特别的地方——在这里,很多东西都真假难辨,而且每个人都有自己的秘密。从外表上看,这栋充满田园诗意的海滨小楼住着一群性格各异的普通年轻人,然而走进它的大门你才会发现里面别有洞天 。「雅园」实际上是美国多个执法部门共同设立的一处秘密基地。在这里,来自联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigations)、缉毒署(Drug Enforcement Agency)和海关移民执法局(US Customs)的精英探员们协调开展联合执法行动。他们生活在同一个屋檐下,对外宣称自己是「普通的一家人」——然而他们的生活从来就不「普通」。从他们当初答应加入这项卧底任务时起,他们就已经将生死置之度外。「雅园」是警方从一名毒枭手中没收的财产,他当初给它起这个名字完全是因为他酷爱猫王。可是对那些需要掩饰自己真实身份的年轻探员来说,这里不是他们风花雪月的地方,这里仅仅是他们的「避风港」
回复 :BBC和BritBox将制作《天堂岛疑云》的衍生剧《超越天堂》。
回复 :The sixth season of 30 Rock, an American television comedy series on the NBC network in the United States, began airing on January www. 5233tv.com Rock was renewed for a sixth season by NBC on November 15, 2010.[4] The season began airing mid-season to accommodate Tina Fey's pregnancy. On November 14, 2011, NBC announced that 30 Rock would return at the new time of 8:00 pm.This season was initially expected to be Alec Baldwin's last, as he had announced he would be looking to expand into other forms of media.[7] However, in January 2012, Baldwin confirmed that he would remain for the seventh and final season of 30 Rock.[8] Season six received positive reviews and 13 Emmy Award nominations.