回复 :在權與在媛是對無血緣關係的表兄妹。被領養的在媛,從小追隨著表哥在權。然而,隨著年齡增長,在媛意識到對表哥的感情不再只是崇拜,而是男女之情。而在權與孝星表面上雖為男女朋友,但兩人崇尚開放自由的性愛關係,不需對伴侶負責。後來,在權漸漸深陷於在媛猛烈的追求中……
回复 :A group of friends return home with Hunter Killian to support him as he shares a family secret only to learn that sometimes older secrets are more deadly. Hunter was childhood friends with Ben Holister but rumors of horrid abuse made Hunter's parents force him to stop playing with Ben. Hunter was Ben's only connection to reality and the ever-evading hope that he could one day lead a normal life. This disconnect combined with his deep isolation into the dreary world of abuse force him into creating a false view of pain, love, and the world of acceptance around him. Ben returns from this world pitted deeply with anger and terrorizes the friends with the lessons he's learned.
回复 :山裡的尼姑庵愛德院住著一位小尼姑城光,據傳,只要膜拜城光的私密處,人便能償願,所以尼姑庵的茅廁總是人滿為患,大家都希望能一睹城光風采,這時出現一名年輕僧侶,使出洪荒之力要破除迷信...