回复 :Here's a modern-day film noir in which you're never sure what's real and what isn't real. There is a possibility you may get tired of guessing and give up on this film 3/4ths of the way through, as I almost did but it worth finishing. It also was better the second time aroundThe problem is just too many flashbacks. If some of those scenes were not replayed so often, or a few of the many twists eliminated, it would have been a super movie. It still was fascinating in parts. It grabs you, and you can't stop watching to see what the real story is. Along the way, is a bunch of nice colors and some nice film noir-type in the beginning and then during the ending credits.
回复 :Marple is asked by her lawyer, Christian Gilbranson, to visit his step-mother, Carrie Louise Serrocold, an old friend of Miss Marple's, at her country estate. Carrie's husband, Lewis, confides to Miss Marple that he suspects someone is slowly poisoning his wife, and when Gilbranson visits the mansion, he is mysteriously murdered.
回复 :艾莉森·珍妮将出演J·J·艾布拉姆斯的坏机器人公司打造的惊悚片[卢](Lou,暂译)。该片由安娜·福斯特执导,玛吉·科恩重新撰写杰克·斯坦利的剧本,讲述了一个年轻女子和她房东卢(Lou)的故事。珍妮将会扮演这个强硬的打破常规的女房东,她有着惊人的跟踪能力和其他技能。本片预计2019年春开拍。