回复 :The fate of a championship is being decided on a soccer field, but along with it, the lives of many people who have decided to turn things around are at stake. Be it for money, as is the case of Italo - president of the Sporting team who bet everything he has left on the final result; be it for honor, as is the case of coach Bulla - who has never won a title his whole life; be it for a dream, as is the case of Antonio - the team captain who wants to go pro. Away from the field, the rest of the world keeps living, dying, and showing off its contradictions. But inside the game, time comes to a halt because it's the most important of all moments.-微博@摆渡字幕组 整理
回复 :老公出去混,老婆好难忍, 飢渴又肉紧, 孤寂难耐, 连大蕉都要吃, 想入非非, 夜长梦多, 而搅出一连串荒诞y-贱的画面!! (精彩生动的自述言语与伴奏, 深具撩拨及理性)
回复 :2016威尼斯电影节参展佳作,一个关于一个孕妇被肚子里的孩子怂恿四出杀人的故事。后女权主义复仇电影,被称之为女版的《出租车司机》,一位孕妇在肚子里胎儿的教唆下开始杀人的故事。本片女主角两个月完成剧本,在怀孕期前自编自导自演。