春暖Jailed under a tough cop, an uneducated politician decides to spend his time studying for high school, while his scheming wife has plans of her own.
春暖Jailed under a tough cop, an uneducated politician decides to spend his time studying for high school, while his scheming wife has plans of her own.
回复 :被乐队和家人扫地出门后,玩世不恭的吉他手投靠一名会计及其儿子和父亲。他们能否共谱甜蜜乐章?
回复 :Entrapped in his apartment, Randal Hendricks, a recent paraplegic, is given a gift of binoculars by his devoted girlfriend, Pam. But Randal is in financial debt to Emmie, a sadistic loan ...
回复 :彼得·奎尔(克里斯·帕拉特 Chris Pratt 饰)是一名从小被劫持到外太空的地球人,在义父勇度(迈克尔·鲁克 Michael Rooker 饰)的培养下成了一个终极混混,自称“星爵”。一次行动中他偷了一块神秘球体,便成为了赏金猎人火箭浣熊(布莱德利·库珀 B radl ey Cooper 配音)、树人格鲁特(范·迪塞尔 Vin Diesel 配音)的绑架目标,而神秘的卡魔拉(佐伊·索尔达娜 Zoe Saldana 饰)也对神秘球体势在必得。经过笑料百出的坎坷遭遇,星爵被迫和这三人,以及复仇心切的“毁灭者”德拉克斯(戴夫·巴蒂斯塔 Dave Batista 饰)组成小分队逃避“指控者”罗南(李·佩斯 Lee Pace 饰)的追杀。然而这个神秘球体拥有无穷的力量,小分队必须团结一致对付罗南,才有可能解救整个银河系,银河护卫队由此诞生。