A spinoff of the popular rooster teeth show RWBY. This show is small clips of the cast of RWBY in their spare time.
A spinoff of the popular rooster teeth show RWBY. This show is small clips of the cast of RWBY in their spare time.
回复 :While still trying to adjust to her new role as the Princess of Friendship, Twilight and friends follow a map to a village where the inhabitants mysteriously have no talents and are equal in every way.
回复 :小女孩艾莉絲因為一場火災而失去父親,奧蒂塔公主、德瑞克王子決定收養她,然而艾莉絲卻被邪惡的巫師綁架到森林裡,公主與王子以及他們的好朋友尚鮑伯、史畢德展開一場救援任務,而在這場任務裡,我們看見了友情、團結合作以及善量的愛…
回复 :邪恶的宇宙海盗迪恩(胡谦 配音)得到了能够吸收力量的魔石,妄图凭此统治宇宙,天蛇星少主缪斯(李晔 配音)的能量被魔石吸收,性命岌岌可危,为了挽救缪斯,耶里梅斯出发寻找正气之铁,希望能够将它打造成煞魔圣剑,将迪恩彻底打败。镜头来到棱石星,迪恩的魔爪伸向了这片宁静的土地,为了对抗这股强大的邪恶力量,战神联盟聚集到了一起,然而,迪恩的实力实在过于可怕,雷伊(孙晔 配音)、卡修斯(刘北辰 配音)和布莱克(吴磊 配音)等人接二连三的被吸入魔石之中。最终,盖亚(蒋可 配音)和赛小息(罗玉婷 配音)等人顺利的夺回了魔石,却也引来了迪恩派出的杀手。