回复 :After being found wandering the streets of Los Angeles, a severely catatonic woman tells a doctor the complex story of how she wound up there.
回复 :本片为已故功夫巨星傅声的代表作之一,合演的包括戚冠军、江岛及卢迪。剧情讲述关风义 (傅声饰)洪拳造诣极高,经师兄黄汉(戚冠军饰)介绍,在兴发隆布厂当杂工。黄汉时常谆谆告诫关风义,千万别显露自己会武功,以免招惹麻烦。关风义并没有将黄汉的话记在心里,反而因多次暴露身手,成为两家敌对布厂斗争中的牺牲品……
回复 :13-year-old Nate Foster is an unpopular Midwestern kid who entertains vivid fantasies of becoming a big Broadway musical star. In the meantime, however, Nate can't even get a decent role in his middle school's drama productions, getting cast as a tree in the chorus instead of the lead role he craves. However, when he and his best friend Libby mastermind a daring trip to New York City, without their parents' knowledge, to audition for "Lilo and Stitch: The Musical," Nate may be on the verge of fulfilling his lifelong dream. But first, he has to overcome a series of comical obstacles that threaten his Broadway adventure with disaster at every farcical turn.