鲁保罗变12-year-old friends, Marshall, Gilbert and Amy accidentally revive a mummy they discover in a neighbor's basement. They affectionately name the mummy Harold, and must rush to return him to his resting place before midnight on Halloween.
鲁保罗变12-year-old friends, Marshall, Gilbert and Amy accidentally revive a mummy they discover in a neighbor's basement. They affectionately name the mummy Harold, and must rush to return him to his resting place before midnight on Halloween.
回复 :Nour, a 14-year-old boy, is enjoying the beginning of the summer holidays in the South of France. He is the youngest of four brothers. They live together in a council estate, taking turns caring for their mother who is in a coma. She used to love Italian Opera, so Nour plays it for her, and develops a passion for that music. Between community work and rising tensions at home, Nour dreams of escaping to a faraway place. When he crosses paths with Sarah, an Opera singer teaching summer classes, he finally finds the opportunity to come out of his shell and explore new horizons.
回复 :香港回归前,英国政府决定由英籍华人议员任剑辉(罗家英 饰)出任最后一任港督。历代都受到英国政府迫害的黄老板决定雇请春、夏、秋、冬四大杀手刺杀英政府最后一名港督,以出一口怨气。在剑辉的就职大典上,春、夏、秋、冬混入了人群中,关键时刻,督务署长的私生子陆葛(葛民辉 饰)误打误撞,救下了剑辉,并将杀手秋杀死了。高层对此十分重视,于是委派陆葛和港督保安队长大件(周文健 饰)重新受训后正式成为最后一位港督的保镖。陆葛作为最后一名港督的保镖生涯开始了。
回复 :曾有过一次失败婚姻的上班族加贺美淳(安田显 饰)和第二任妻子千惠(荣仓奈奈 饰)已经结婚三年了,对他来说“三年之痒”近在眼前,他和妻子都必须好好考虑一下是否有必要继续维持这段婚姻。某晚下班回家,加贺美恐惧地发现千惠倒在血泊之中,但他很快发现,原来妻子在用这种方法逗他开心。原本以为只是一时兴起而为之,谁知此后每天千惠都要花样百出地死在加贺美面前。加贺美一面费尽心力配合老婆的演出,一面还要苦苦思索千惠这番作为背后的真意。为此他向职场好友佐野(大谷亮平 饰)大吐苦水,然而对方看似美满的婚姻也有着无法逾越的鸿沟。妻子的表演仍在继续,他们的婚姻将何去何从……电影取材自2010年在日本雅虎知惠袋上的提问,提问者写下的妻子奇特行为当时在网络上引起很大反响。