回复 :Tanaka Tetsuro is excited at getting a full scholarship at a new high school, far away from his family. What he does not know is that he will be the only boy in an all girl school, and that there is a girl head-over-heels in love with him, waiting for his arrival. But his special friendship with the very cute and dynamic Asuka also causes him to get into a lot of trouble with the powerful student council leadership, as they are at open war with Asuka and her five friends, a group of super amazon warriors called the Koi Koi Seven.
回复 :漫画《#女王的手术刀#(#外科医生爱丽丝#)》动画化~
回复 :新加坡的动、植物种类多元化令人意想不到, 各有奇妙的行为。在日渐扩张的城市周围寻找不同的栖息地, 然后去隐蔽的野生动物热点, 沿着海岸线深入人迹罕至的内陆, 看这些地方怎样意外地成为野生动、植物的安居之所。在都市迅速成长的新加坡,都会区与野外区的界限经常变动,距离市中心不远的双溪布洛湿地保护区里,栖息着各种各样的生物,包括凶猛的掠食咸水鳄,新加坡江獭,以及多种红树林物种,此地也是过境候鸟喜欢停留休息的地点,有时新加坡的野生动物会跑到人类生活的地区,或是得学习适应与都市比邻而居的生活。In this episode of Wild City, discover Singapore"s incredible Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, home to a diverse array of flora and fauna. Explore the ecosystem"s hidden worlds and witness as a family of smooth coated otters embark on a lunchtime hunt, a male fiddler crab attempts to court a mate, a baby white bellied sea eagle gets ready to take her first flight, and more.