One day, three siblings receive a postcard from their mother who left them a long time ago. But all it says is "I miss you." Three siblings are disconcerted by the sudden contact, but eventually, they go on a trip to meet their mother.CreditDirector
One day, three siblings receive a postcard from their mother who left them a long time ago. But all it says is "I miss you." Three siblings are disconcerted by the sudden contact, but eventually, they go on a trip to meet their mother.CreditDirector
回复 :讲的是一段发生在内蒙古草原展旦召苏木的一对当代牧民之间从爱情转变为亲情的故事,描述了一个男人和两个女人的一段亲情和爱情纠葛。塔拉为照顾因车祸高位截瘫的妻子萨日娜,离开了心爱的乐队和繁华的城市,夫妻俩住在了沙漠边的展旦召,一晃九年过去了。一天,年轻女子小雨离家出走,在展旦召的沙漠里迷失了方向,被塔拉救出。小雨的到来改变了这个家庭的生活。影片一开始就用悠扬深远的“呼麦”起头,在茫茫无尽的沙漠草原和繁星点点的苍穹之间回荡,如诉如泣,为观众展示了幅内蒙古草原无限遐想的美丽画卷。“呼麦”是古代蒙古人中广为流传的一种古老特殊的发音方式,是一种原声态的民间唱法,声音是从喉底发出来的,能模仿瀑布,高山,森林和动物的声音,距今已有800年的历史。“呼麦”是蒙古族杰出的创造,他传达着蒙古族人民对自然宇宙和世界万物的哲学思想和体会,表达了蒙古族追求和谐生存发展的理想和健康向上的生活审美情趣,它主要分布在锡林郭勒,呼伦贝尔,新疆阿勒泰一带蒙古族居住地以及蒙古国,俄罗斯图瓦地区。
回复 :A part of Joan of Arc's life. At the beginning, Jeanne (Joan) has already left Domremy, she is trying to convince a captain to escort her to the Dauphin. It ends during Jeanne's first battle, at Orleans. Meanwhile, Jeanne is depicted more as a warrior than a saint (all cliches are avoided), with only her faith for strength.
回复 :农民出身的陶艺师吴国庆在瓷都景德镇经过几年的奋斗,物质生活与城里人相比,已不相上下,他和妻子商定把在乡下读书的女儿吴小田接到城里。为避免孩子受到歧视,老师和家长善意隐瞒了她从农村来的真相。这样做反而给年幼的小田增加了心理负担。在沉重的心理压力下,小田甚至想逃回农村老家……为了安慰小田,父亲帮小田制作了一件构思新颖的陶艺作品,老师在不知情的情况下,推举小田代表同学们参加将举办的全校陶艺大赛,小田因此陷入深深的矛盾和痛苦之中……