纪录片《Finding Vivian Maier》定于9月份在多伦多国际电影节期间首映。影片揭示她的双面人生:久久精品生前才华横溢,久久精品却默默无闻做了40年保姆,去世后留下10万多张芝加哥街景和街头人像底片,2007年在一场拍卖会上被电影制片人John Maloof拍得后重见天日,她遂被摄影界公认为是20世纪最伟大的摄影师之一。
纪录片《Finding Vivian Maier》定于9月份在多伦多国际电影节期间首映。影片揭示她的双面人生:久久精品生前才华横溢,久久精品却默默无闻做了40年保姆,去世后留下10万多张芝加哥街景和街头人像底片,2007年在一场拍卖会上被电影制片人John Maloof拍得后重见天日,她遂被摄影界公认为是20世纪最伟大的摄影师之一。
回复 :A medical student suffering from sleep paralysis finds herself plagued by a demonic entity, after moving in with her boyfriend.
回复 :Londoner Ronnie embarks on a journey to India when his mother, Suleka, goes missing and mysteriously ends up in a Kolkata hospital. Before Ronnie can unravel the mystery of what brought his mother back to her homeland, Suleka dies in an apparent cult killing. Further deaths point to a series of past murders that stopped 28 years ago when Suleka left India with her infant son. Until now.As the darkness within Ronnie grows and the murders reach their peak, all roads lead to the feared witch of Kolkata's insane asylum.
回复 :纪录片系列揭示了伯纳德·麦道夫臭名昭著的百亿庞氏骗局背后的真相,以及整个金融系统如何让它蓬勃发展了几十年的故事。