回复 :韩国当地时间29日下午,KBS新剧《功课之神》在首尔举行了发布会。该剧改编自日本漫画,时日剧《龙樱》的韩国版,讲述一群不良学生以考上最好的大学为目标而奋斗的故事,曾由阿部宽饰演的热血班主任在韩国换成了喜剧明星金秀路。发布会现场,扮演老师的裴斗娜和吴允儿秀出火辣身段,学生阵容由《爱,回家》的俞承浩、《怪物》的高雅星、《善德女王》的李贤宇、tiara组合“小金泰熙”池妍等一班颇具偶像潜质的少女少女组成。原作人气加上强大阵容令《功课之神》成为2010年度第一部备受期待的韩剧,将于1月5日开始播出。
回复 :This series is set in the long hot summer of 1959 and wedding season is in full swing in the Cambridgeshire village of Grantchester.As the Reverend Will Davenport unites happy couples in holy matrimony, Detective Inspective Geordie Keating is busy as ever investigating a range of local murder cases. With a new decade just around the corner, the question of what the future holds is on everyone's minds, not least Will's, but before the 50s roll over into the swinging sixties there are some crimes to solve and some life-changing decisions to be made that might change life in Grantchester forever.
回复 :续集继续讲述盗贼、打手、黑客、骗子等一群各有所长的人组成“侠盗”小团体,坑蒙拐骗、劫富济贫的故事,设定在上一次任务的8年后,世界发生了巨大变化。