回复 :米歇尔(梅甘·洁特·马丁 Meaghan Jette Martin 饰)出生在一个并不富裕的家庭之中,因为父亲工作的缘故,米歇尔幼时常常搬家,因此身边并没有非常交心的朋友,个性敏感而又内向的她常常会因为自己的经历和出身感到自卑。这一次,米歇尔转入了北岸高中就读,在那里认识了校园女王曼蒂(玛雅拉·沃什 Maiara Walsh 饰)和经常受到曼蒂霸凌的女孩艾比(詹妮弗·斯通 Jennifer Stone 饰)。受艾比父亲所托,米歇尔决定和艾比成为朋友,两人的出双入对很快就激怒了曼蒂,米歇尔的这一举动无异于当众忤逆曼蒂。于是,曼蒂将米歇尔也划入了敌人名单之中,开始对她进行猛烈的“攻击”。
回复 :Gwen grows up with her romantic mother constantly telling her the story of her courtship and marriage to her father. Nick grows up with an alcoholic father who can't hold a job and whose family, as a result, is forced to move all the time. The two are shaped by this - Gwen a romantic and Nick withdrawn, unsure of himself - as they watch the hugely popular sixties sitcom, One Big Happy Family. Years later, it is the star of that show, now a child actor gone bad with a history of detox and people always saying, I thought she was dead, Francesca Lanfield, who connects the two of them, after years of near-misses and almost encounters. Gwen is hired to ghost-write Francesca's autobiography, while Nick, becoming her lover, is the architect who is to design a building on Francesca's property. When Gwen decides to crusade to save Francesca's building, she writes letters to the newspaper which catches Nick's attention - and wins his heart.
回复 :丹尼,一个受人尊敬的警察,在进行一项调查时出了差错,之后被人诬陷。在他被关的牢房里,丹尼被迫卷入了这些囚犯的地下争斗。