免费When a troubled couple escape to their rural farmhouse for a weekend of re-connection, they realize that their ability to save their marriage will literally determine the fate of humankind itself.
免费When a troubled couple escape to their rural farmhouse for a weekend of re-connection, they realize that their ability to save their marriage will literally determine the fate of humankind itself.
回复 :西门庆和潘金莲对上眼,想方设法把武松支去东京。当武松赶回家时,哥哥竟然已经亡故!武松不相信潘金莲的说辞,决定调查哥哥死因,途中遭遇银丝杀手袭击。武松绑了郓哥、何九叔一起上公堂,想定罪西门庆和潘金莲,谁知县令三言两语打回状子,潦草结案。武松忍无可忍,手刃潘氏、王婆。并在狮子楼与西门庆发生激烈的缠斗,最终杀死西门庆,替自己哥哥报了仇。
回复 :故事发生在一个和我们的地球很相似的世界里,那里人们的灵魂变成灵神跟随自己。莉拉自幼(Dakota Blue Richards 饰)跟随身为约旦大学校长的叔叔一起生活,她热情、勇敢且富有正义心。一天科尔特夫人(nicole kidman 饰)要到北方去,希望莉拉能伴随身边。好奇的莉拉开心地答应。临行前叔叔交给她一个黄金罗盘,告诉她世界上只有一个人能读懂。莉拉从黄金罗盘中不仅能得到所问问题的答案,还了解到了自己的身世之谜。这一路上,科尔特夫人行为诡异,莉拉还发现在特尔特夫人的一份名单上赫然写着自己失踪朋友罗杰的名字!罗杰和其他孩子一样,被诱拐到极北之地成为科学试验品。莉拉找到时机逃跑出来,自己动身前去拯救罗杰……
回复 :In Namibia, a country where sodomy is still a crime and gay relationships are stigmatized against, two lives intersect: George and Simeon. Two secrets. One unlikely meeting in a bar.