  时间:2024-10-17 08:05:37





回复 :繁华大都会日本东京,迎来了一年一度的愚人节。有交流障碍的医院清洁工新田步(户田惠梨香 饰)鼓起勇气打电话给外科医生牧野亘(松坂桃李 饰),宣布自己已经怀孕的事实。谁知对方矢口否认孩子和自己相关,更当成一个恶劣的玩笑,之后继续招蜂引蝶。新田一气之下,杀到了牧野所在的意大利餐厅,结果引发了难以收场的大混乱。那边厢,自称皇族的樱小路夫妇(里见浩太朗 富司纯子 饰)在出租车司机(泷藤贤一 饰)的带领下游览东京,度过他们难得的二人时光。另一头的街上,黑道大哥宇田川勇司(寺岛进 饰)带着小弟(高桥努 饰)劫走了小学生江藤理香(浜辺美波 饰),却并不着急索要赎金。警察局一方,小野刑警(高岛政伸 饰)则与神秘的占卜婆婆(りりィ 饰)相周旋。短暂的一天里,许多人的命运发生翻天覆地的改变……



回复 :Set in an underground dungeon inhabited by bundled, ragged human beings, after the nuclear holocaust. The story follows the wanderings of a hero through the situations of survival. People wait for the Ark to arrive and rescue them while their habitat falls apart.Delving deep into the dusty and long abandonded vaults of b-cinema in search of lost gems always leaves me with a bittersweet taste. On one hand the discovery of unexpected gems where no one would think them possible is a rewarding experience. On the other hand though it makes one wonder how many of these remarkable low-budget oddities, personal love affairs of directors never quite famous and now all but forgotten, have almost forever slipped from memory?n any case what we have here is a little post-apocalyptic gem from Poland that is really better than it has any right to. The dystopian near future of O-BI, O-BA finds a group of survivors of the nuclear war that ravaged the Earth inhabiting an underworld concrete bunker and biding their time as they wait for the mysterious Ark, an air ship of some kind that will come and save them. The Ark proves to be an elaborate hoax, carefully designed to give hope to the malnourished and desperate denizens of the bunker, while in the meantime the dome that separates their miserable existence from the nuclear winter outside is slowly caving in.What first striked me about the movie is the design of the bunker and the depiction of the survivors. The survivors are gaunt, filthy and terrible-looking penitents, dressed in rags and aimlessly wandering the neon-lit halls of the bunker like automatons. The bunker is a rundown, seedy place, with bright neon lights peering from all sides like the eyes of malignant beasts.On one hand it is a slightly 80's depiction of the dystopian future but the movie never stoops down to MAD MAX cheese. Instead it combines biting political satire with the bleak outlook of a world with no future, black comedy with barbs on apathy, religion and power. The survivors, for example, are fed some kind of flour dropping from a tube that hovers in the air - later on we discover the food supervisor uses books and the Bible itself as filler for this meagre meal. There are many such short symbolic touches, perhaps not life-changing or faith-restoring, yet playful, clever and inspired.One thing is for sure; O-BI, O-BA is not your run-of-the-mill sci-fi schlock. It overcomes its modest budget with creativity and has genuine artistic aspirations both from a writing and directing perspective. My opinion is that it should have been filmed in black and white instead of colour though. The director uses atmospheric light and shadow to great effect and it would have registered even better in stark black and white. The blue-green neon on the other hand outstays its welcome after a while. Just a minor gripe in an otherwise solid b-movie with its heart set in all the right places.Imagine a less bleak THE ROAD (Cormac McCarthy) being injected with the satire and humour of DR.STRANGELOVE and you're getting there. See it if you can find it.



回复 :麦克纳马拉(詹姆斯·贾克内 James Cagney 饰)是可口可乐公司西德分部的总经理,长久以来,他默默地为公司辛勤工作,业绩屡创新高,是上司眼中的红人,亦是最有希望获得晋升的职员。某日,上司致电麦克纳马拉,告知他自己的女儿斯嘉丽(帕梅拉·蒂芬 Pamela Tiffin 饰)即将前往西德游玩,希望麦克纳马拉能够成为她的监护人。然而,让麦克纳马拉没有想到的是,斯嘉丽尽管年纪轻轻,个性却极其热情奔放,来西德没多久,便同一位名叫奥托(豪斯特·巴奇霍兹 Horst Buchholz 饰)的男子坠入了爱河,他们不仅结了婚,斯嘉丽的腹中甚至还有了奥托的骨肉,更糟糕的是,奥托来自于东德,是一位根正苗红的社会主义者,鄙视资本主义的一切。就在这个节骨眼上,麦克纳马拉得知上司很快就要前往西德接他的女儿。



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