回复 :在美国西南部小镇黑岩,当地居民都有一个共通的秘密——他们在二战时虐待了日裔农夫。当一个外来的独臂人到镇上向人问问题时,便引起了人们的怀疑和恐慌。
回复 :98岁的陈玉平(Grace Lee Boggs)是一位生活在底特律的作家、倡权者和哲学家。这是一部关于她的思想、倡权行动和生活的纪录片《美国革命:陈玉平的演进》(American Revolutionary The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs)。陈玉平出生于1915年,父母是移民,经营中餐馆。陈玉平从小生活舒适,但感到社会需要变革。她毕业于伯纳德学院,后在布林莫尔学院攻读哲学,1940年获得博士学位。由于少数族裔在当时美国社会的境遇,毕业后,她在芝加哥大学的哲学图书馆谋得一份低薪工作。她在租住的地区无意中见到非裔市民抗议,从此关注和参与非裔美国人争取平等权利的民权运动。后来,她到有大量汽车工人的底特律,和汽车制造工人和工人权益倡权人士James Boggs结婚。陈玉平和新婚丈夫度蜜月时,不得不在车里过夜,因为当时的种族隔离法令她的非裔新婚丈夫无法入住汽车旅馆。她成了非裔社区的一分子,参与当地的民权运动。陈玉平的思想深受黑格尔的辩证法和马克思的社会发展理论的影响。她的思想不断地演变,如今,她倡导非暴力,在家门口的草坪上放着“不要战争”的牌子。她认为,不应该将希望寄托在领导人身上,变化应该从自身开始。年届高龄,她还组织“底特律暑假” 和“社区花园”项目,在一个衰落的城市里致力于社区的重建。
回复 :Walter Williams (Brian Donlevy) is a take-charge captain of industry who has worked his way up in a San Francisco steel company from a position as a sheet metal worker. He loves his wife Irene (Helen Walker) very much and they have planned a vacation drive together. Irene cancels at the last minute claiming a toothache, but asks that Walter drive her cousin Jim Torrance (Tony Barrett) as far as Illinois. Walter agrees and he and Jim take off together but later Jim knocks Walter unconscious and takes the car only to be hit himself by a truck and killed, his body burned beyond recognition. Walter comes to and suffering a concussion and deep confusion from feeling betrayed by Irene hides out in a small Midwest town until guilt and peer pressure force him to go back to San Francisco and tell his story to the Police. But by the time Walter returns to San Francisco a clever detective Lieutenant Quincy (Charles Coburn) has uncovered some facts about Irene and her cousin' Jim. The police have been holding Irene for the murder of her husband Walter but release her considering that Walter was hiding out because he had killed Jim. Along the way to uncovering the truth in Court Walter realizes some hard fact about what he holds valuable and the trust he has put in those around him.