回复 :【获奖名单】https://site.douban.com/oscar/room/3318530/【提名名单】http://site.douban.com/oscar/widget/notes/16455428/note/479439645/【相关豆列】http://www.douban.com/doulist/37522909/(获奖)、 http://www.douban.co m/doulist/36997168/(提名)【奖项条目】http://movie.douban.com/awards/oscar/87/第87届奥斯卡颁奖典礼将于美国当地时间2月22日举行,尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯(NPH)担任主持人。【具体时间】(*以下北美时间均指太平洋时间)北京时间:2015年02月23日(周一)上午09:30(07:00开始红地毯)北美时间:2015年02月22日(周日)下午17:30(15:00开始红地毯)
回复 :Netflix演员、喜剧演员兼编剧福琼·费姆斯特登台献艺,笑谈她的南方出身、恋爱启蒙和演艺事业等话题
回复 :Poet Simon Armitage traces the evolution of the Arthurian legend through the literature of the medieval age and reveals that King Arthur is not the great national hero he is usually considered to be. He's a fickle and transitory character who was appropriated by the Normans to justify their conquest, he was cuckolded when French writers began adapting the story and it took Thomas Malory's masterpiece of English literature, Le Mort d'Arthur, to restore dignity and reclaim him as the national hero we know today.