末世After frontman Gord Downie is diagnosed with brain cancer, Canadian rock band The Tragically Hip goes on a cross-country tour that ends with a nationally televised concert.
末世After frontman Gord Downie is diagnosed with brain cancer, Canadian rock band The Tragically Hip goes on a cross-country tour that ends with a nationally televised concert.
回复 :朱志根(李保田 饰)和崇义(秦昊 饰)虽身为父子,但彼此之间关系却十分淡漠,甚至到了互不理睬的地步。虽然倩影(李小冉 饰)几次想要调解公公和丈夫之间的矛盾却均以失败告终。与此同时,倩影和崇义之间的夫妻情谊亦因为繁忙的工作和缺少沟通而产生了裂痕。朱志根有一个未了的心愿,那就是把过世的妻子送给他的夜莺带回妻子长眠的那片土地,并且在妻子的坟墓上将夜莺放生。一番波折和意外之后,朱志根带着孙女任幸(杨心仪 饰)踏上了前往老家阳朔的旅途。这段旅途注定不会太平,接二连三的意外发生之后,这一老一小能否顺利的抵达目的地呢?
回复 :“如果生命不可逆,我愿用最后的勇气去换得对你所有的记忆”,影片讲述了郑先生患有阿兹海默症,为了缓解自己对去世太太的逐渐遗忘,郑先生决定在所有记忆消逝前重新踏上年轻时最怀念的那一段环岛之旅。途中郑先生遇到了一名年轻女孩,相似的心情和交集的旅程让两人在机缘巧合下开始结伴同行……
回复 :An inspirational story honoring the life and legacy of Hollywood legend, Sidney Poitier. Sidney premieres September 23 in theaters and on Apple TV+.From producer Oprah Winfrey and directed by Reginald Hudlin, this revealing documentary honors the legendary Sidney Poitier and his legacy as an iconic actor, filmmaker and activist at the center of Hollywood and the Civil Rights Movement. Featuring candid interviews with Denzel Washington, Halle Berry, Robert Redford, Lenny Kravitz, Barbra Streisand, Spike Lee and many more, the film is also produced by Derik Murray, in close collaboration with the Poitier family.