东京When her husband has a mental breakdown and goes missing, a woman and her young son set out to find him on the streets, sparking a movement that inspires a city.
东京When her husband has a mental breakdown and goes missing, a woman and her young son set out to find him on the streets, sparking a movement that inspires a city.
回复 :延斯·索林在1985年时谋杀了女友的父母吗?或者是女友自己下的毒手呢?这部纪录片系列将深入这桩谜案的重重疑云。
回复 :几个年轻人晚上在郊外出了车祸,要等到天亮才有救援。几个人于是围着篝火聊天,每个人要讲一个鬼故事。
回复 :鬼太监桂德海将楚王及王妃杀死,更追杀世子朱锦,朱锦得青竹叟相救才幸免于难。桂当年与哑巴月仙诞下一女燕燕,桂恐此事外泄,竟派人去杀月仙母女。燕燕得青竹婆相救,带她住见青竹叟及朱锦。朱锦与燕燕相处日久,感情渐深;桂竟利用父女之情,假借燕燕之手杀朱锦......