命中An intimate evening between a film director and an escort is disrupted when a familiar face arrives.
命中An intimate evening between a film director and an escort is disrupted when a familiar face arrives.
回复 :东京下町某个街角,经营和果子店的久留里卓三(吉田钢太郎 饰)脸上洋溢着幸福羞涩的笑容,他笨拙地使用智能手机,和久未谋面的女性设乐靖子(高冈早纪 饰)取得联系。卓三留下小茜(高畑充希 饰)看店,满怀期望地启程赶赴和靖子的约会地点。十年前他爱恋这位美丽女子,可是对方却在表白 之前与他人结婚。时光流转,太多人事已经改变。又过了许多天,在某个飘雨的日子,卓三重逢有过一面之缘的百货公司策划员木崎美雪(黒川芽以 饰)。有过三次失败婚姻的卓三,与女孩游走在有着悠久历史的街头巷尾,寻求期待已久的幸福……本片根据久留里卓三的原作改编。
回复 :Chicken People is a funny and uplifting look at the world of show chickens and the people who love them. Starting at the largest national poultry competition, likened to the Westminster Dog Show for chickens, Chicken People follows three top competitors over the course of a year as they grapple with life's challenges while vying to win the next year's crown. Both humorous and heartfelt, Chicken People is an unforgettable celebration of the human spirit.
回复 :為了進入歐盟,阿爾巴尼亞的特警部隊誓言掃蕩境內的所有地下毒品交易,並將目標鎖定在大毒梟帕杜拉。但打滾多年的帕杜拉也不是省油的燈,竟在特警部隊中安插眼線使得艱困的行動更蒙上了一層陰影。特警部隊必須與敵人們攻同燃燒殆盡,榮譽才能浴火重生。