手机私人A scientist discovers the bodies of three frozen genetically modified Russians buried in the Canadian North. Upon thawing them out he realizes he has unleashed a deadly threat to Western society and must stop them at all costs.
手机私人A scientist discovers the bodies of three frozen genetically modified Russians buried in the Canadian North. Upon thawing them out he realizes he has unleashed a deadly threat to Western society and must stop them at all costs.
回复 :清朝康熙年间,少林俗家弟子洪熙官(李连杰饰)是红花会成员,力图反清复明。洪熙官因被同门师兄马宁儿(计春华饰)出卖,家人被叛徒杀害,幸得幼子文定(谢苗饰)避过大难,洪熙官将马宁儿刺死后与文定浪迹天涯。洪熙官父子和行骗的朱小倩和红豆母女碰到一起,闹出许多事情。少林遭劫难,至菩禅师将藏宝图纹在五个年幼的的俗家弟子背上,为防被朝廷夺走,并密函告知洪熙官,务必护送他们前往红花会。但马宁儿被洪熙官打成重伤后,并没有死,而是变成全身是毒、刀枪不入的怪物,他杀害了红花会总舵主,并追杀五个孩子……
回复 :"A Cambodian Spring" is an intimate and unique portrait of three people caught up in the chaotic and often violent development that is shaping modern-day Cambodia. Shot over six years, the film charts the growing wave of land-rights protests that led to the 'Cambodian spring' and the tragic events that followed. This film is about the complexities - both political and personal, of fighting for what you believe in.
回复 :故事讲述私家侦探哈柏应聘至纽奥尔良一大地主家庭调查一封告密信,由于牵涉入大地主与石油大王之间的斗争中,几乎因而丧命。该片拍来有点造作,但节奏仍算流畅爽朗,其中哈柏与石油大王之妻被关在水室而几乎没顶的高潮戏拍得相当紧凑刺激。