回复 :《年的味道》以大头儿子和棉花糖两个著名的动画明星为主角贯穿全片,通过风趣幽默的美食评论方式,对新年里关于吃的话题津津乐道,带领小朋友们从孩子的视角,体验中华美食舌尖上的文化。
回复 :太上老君炼出一颗无敌仙丹,却失手丢下天庭,落入庐州(合肥古称),被一只老母鸡误吞,摇身一变成为了拥有神力的鸡。老母鸡巧遇生性调皮的小男孩包子,从此成为包子家的另类宠物兼全能保姆,取名包美丽。在包子家生活的过程中,美丽逐渐拥有了多重身份——因为拥有仙丹法力,它常常成为包子一家的救世主;因为鸡婆个性,它又会变成包子唯恐避之不及的唠叨保姆;因为侠义情怀,它同时也成为包子及其小伙伴们的神秘战友,一同去应付日常所见的种种不平,就这样,美丽身为一只老母鸡,却渐渐融入了人类的世界,成为了包子家重要的家庭成员。在陪伴包子成长的岁月中,它自己也慢慢领悟了亲情、友情以及人生的真谛。
回复 :PINGU is put out when he loses several games of hide and seek and to make matters his friends are laughing at his efforts to find them. When he sees a ladder PINGU has the perfect solution and climbs up an iceberg from where he is able to see all the hiding places. But the tables are turned when the others remove the ladder and PINGU is left stranded on his vantage point.