回复 :1948年在印巴边境的一场战争中,两个阵营的两个普通小兵相遇在一间小茅屋里。为了各自的战争理念,他们对峙数日,互有胜负。经历了诸多小插曲之后,两人逐渐产生了深厚友谊。但是,友情终究抵不过战争……
回复 :We sometimes have to wrestle with our own demons to find our true self.4 Days tells the story of two school friends who slowly realize they mean more to each other than either had initially realized. 4 Days joins Derek and Mark in the days leading up to Valentine's Day over the course of a few years- charting the blossoming of a friendship in to something much more enduring as time goes on- and challenging both to question who they thought they were and who they truly want to me. Painting a moving picture of how an abiding friendship can sometimes lead to love- and how we sometimes have to wrestle with our own demons to find their true self, 4 Days is an achingly romantic and delicate teenage love story.Lead actors Mikoy Morales and Sebastian Castro give exceptional, often heartbreaking performances in this thoughtful and patient romance ? wherein the awkward silences and furtive glances speak volumes.
回复 :《蓝衣士兵》是一部1970年的修正主义西部片,取材于印第安人战争期间发生于美国科罗拉多州的沙溪大屠杀事件,被广泛认为是在隐喻美国在越南的战争罪行。影片讲述一名美军士兵与一位通晓印第安人文化的白人女子在大西部的遭遇。二人成为了美军屠杀印第安人事件的目击者与亲历者。