欲海A divorced New York cop takes his son on a ride along with him on Christmas Eve.
欲海A divorced New York cop takes his son on a ride along with him on Christmas Eve.
回复 :一位吝啬的罗马富商想方设法从教皇那儿获得贵族头衔,三个鬼魂登门造访,带他看清过去、现在与未来,让他领悟了人生的真谛。本片将英国文豪狄更斯的经典小说《圣诞颂歌》的故事背景转移到了19世纪的罗马,聚焦一个新兴资本家的传奇一生,去除了原著的圣诞节背景与极强的道德教化意义,将之与彼时教权衰微、资产阶级革命兴起的意大利社会现实紧密联系在一起。服化道真实还原了时代,复古气息浓厚,而凶杀等悬疑元素的加入更是让影片可看性十足。
回复 :Richard Fleischer repeatedly turned down Dino De Laurentiis' overtures to direct the film. He ultimately relented when he realized that the best way to make the film was to shoot it straight and tell the story as truthfully as he could.
回复 :祺已规划好何时同在日本留学的女友June(陈颖妍)结婚、退休等人生大事某日看过June发来的一封E-mail后,他休假来到日本。令他想不到的是,June已与他的死党Sam坠入爱河。