回复 :Captures three occurrences in a young girl's life that leave her with a heavy heart.
回复 :This film, very much of its time shows London in the early 1970's. Of course now a different world. Note the old fashion Underground ticket machines, and the Black and White Telly in the flat. The location looks very much like Churchill Gardens, Pimlico, with Battersea Power Station in the background. And, plenty of smoking going on, in pubs, and on the tube. The film is strangely sexy in its own way, with the young girl playing along with the much older man, its really a sexual fantasy come true. It is another one of those British low budget film where the low budget adds to rather that take away value. Watch for fun, which is what it is.
回复 :南宋年间,法海降伏白素贞,用其皮骨做成龙骨伞,此伞怨气极重,三界难得安宁。白素贞转世白子西为了摆脱宿命,穿梭在繁华都市,开启了漫漫寻找龙骨伞之路。很多年过去,身为黑车司机的白子西终于在街道上看到了拿着龙骨伞的裴小海,他夜闯裴小海家中企图偷走龙骨伞,反被裴小海擒住。重案组队长裴小海将他带入警局,并怀疑他与近日城市连环杀人案有关。随着案件的深入,裴小海发现事情并不像普通连环杀人案那么简单,为了找到凶手,以龙骨伞为诱饵,与白子西合作,两个各怀鬼胎的宿敌,竟然在调查真相的过程中,渐渐爱上了彼此。