久久精品A mysterious man (Malcolm McDowell) comes to meet a woman living in a house in the woods. Who are they and why are their lives meant to cross? What kind of fate is in store for them?
久久精品A mysterious man (Malcolm McDowell) comes to meet a woman living in a house in the woods. Who are they and why are their lives meant to cross? What kind of fate is in store for them?
回复 :获奖:1993年法国恺撒奖提名最佳男新人1992年美国西雅图国际电影节最佳导演奖介绍:这是伊夫·蒙当的银幕绝唱,他扮演一个从疯人院逃跑出来的病人,喜欢跟树木对话,踩水而行,但身上带着枪支。影片的主角是两个巴黎青年,一个是涂鸦派画家,另一个是他的黑人小兄弟。他们从巴黎来到南部的图卢斯,以逃避无聊的生活,寻找刺激。影片的色彩很绚,技巧也很招摇,给人很酷的感觉。两位主角的表演值得称道。片名是《巨兽岛》(Isle aux Pachyderms)的缩写,数字是指该导演的第五部作品。
回复 :During WW II, a young German woman is separated from her family and imprisoned by the Nazis. After being freed she falls in love with and marries a German officer. When Berlin falls to the Russians, and her husband killed, she flees to America, carrying his unborn child, all the while not giving up hope that she will find her family, tied together by her mother's ring
回复 :一场风流案件,导致性感妇人铃子(竹内結子 饰)死亡,他的丈夫矢部五郎(KAN 饰)作为杀人凶手遭到指控。菜鸟律师宝生绘美(深津絵里 饰)受命担任五郎的辩护律师,五郎提供的不在场证明竟是案发当夜被鬼压。虽然匪夷所思,宝生还是独自前往那座诡异的山庄,结果真的见到了压了五郎的 武士幽灵——后北条氏家臣更科六兵卫(西田敏行 饰)。六兵卫生前忠心耿耿,却被诬陷勾结敌人而遭斩首。因为对五郎的遭遇深有同感,六兵卫同意和宝生出庭作证。为了让那个别人完全看不到的幽灵到场,宝生真是绞尽脑汁,煞费苦心。在她的努力下,史无前例的幽灵庭审拉开序幕……