擅长各种黑科技的“技术宅”孤儿李延治受大太监赵 元齐委托,火烧横行打开了黄巢之墓。未料赵元齐和黑道士江寒子一起,火烧横行利用黄巢策划一个势必导致腥风血雨的惊天阴谋。为了不成为助 纣为虐的千古罪人,完全不会武功的李延治决定和重阳教的玄阳子和秦瑜师徒二人一起阻止赵江二人的阴谋得逞。
擅长各种黑科技的“技术宅”孤儿李延治受大太监赵 元齐委托,火烧横行打开了黄巢之墓。未料赵元齐和黑道士江寒子一起,火烧横行利用黄巢策划一个势必导致腥风血雨的惊天阴谋。为了不成为助 纣为虐的千古罪人,完全不会武功的李延治决定和重阳教的玄阳子和秦瑜师徒二人一起阻止赵江二人的阴谋得逞。
回复 :林格(李鸿其 饰)人生所有美好的记忆,都与邱倩(李一桐 饰)有关。一场意外、一块神奇的表彻底改变了两人的人生......时空不断被重置,唯一不变的,是爱你如初的心。
回复 :在这个希腊和阿拉伯民间的传说故事中,我们的航海家和经验丰盛的水手们再一次开始了探寻宝藏的旅程......
回复 :When a comet passes the earth very closely, it pulls a small part of North Africa with it. Carried along is a bunch of people. Among them Angelika, who just escaped from a ruthless weapon dealer's ship, and her two brothers, who are searching her. Then there's a group of natives, who plan a rebellion against the French colonists. All these conflicts become secondary when the people finally realize that they are doomed to live together on an alien planet. However this time of peace and world-happiness won't last for long...