免费The protagonist, after years spent in war-torn Syria, decides to return to Italy, to finally put behind his terrible experiences, and regain his life.But in order to do so, he will have to pay a very high price.
免费The protagonist, after years spent in war-torn Syria, decides to return to Italy, to finally put behind his terrible experiences, and regain his life.But in order to do so, he will have to pay a very high price.
回复 :在南极的冰层深处,一队地质学家发现了一个古老的纳粹实验室,它仍然完好无损,那里曾发生过黑暗实验。为了征服世界,纳粹创造了能够飞行的改良鲨鱼,它们的骑手是基因突变的不死超级人类。一个名为“死肉四人”(在越南阵亡的复活的美国士兵)的弥尔顿特遣部队被召集起来,以防止世界崩溃
回复 :两对夫妇搬入租来的度假屋中,诡异的事情却接连发生。
回复 :胡丽塔是位非常有个性的老太太,一直以来有三个愿望:拥有很多孩子,一只猴子和一 座城堡。生活最终实现了她的愿望,她的生活充满轶事和回忆,以及千奇百怪的破烂家 什。本片导演是老太太最小的儿子,他拿起摄像机,纪录了这个美满家庭中最特立独行 的面孔。唯一的麻烦是,他们找不到被杀害的外祖母的遗骨了…