回复 :祝英台(董洁 饰)是出生于书香门第的千金大小姐,作为家中唯一的女儿,深受父母的宠爱。然而,祝英台的身上却有着一种巾帼不让须眉的宏大气魄。她男扮女装,来到尼山书院念书,并在此解释了名为梁山伯(何润东 饰)的男子。同在尼山书院念书的还有杭州太守之子马文才(陈冠霖 饰),他仗着父亲在朝中颇有地位,在书院中专横跋扈,惹是生非,因为梁山伯的成绩比他好而想要将其除之而后快。一次偶然中,马文才意外目睹了祝英台的女儿身,被其美貌所吸引,然而此时祝英台早已经和梁山伯两情相悦,愤怒的马文才决心不择手段,一定要得到祝英台。
回复 :Allie, Margot, Dina and Charlie continue their adventure on the lam, as they make their way through the Mexican rainforest and ultimately land in a seemingly idyllic community called Casa Rojas, led by the resolute Isela. While each person grapples with their own journey and acclimate to their new lives “off the grid,” they soon discover that Casa Rojas breeds its own dark secrets and agenda.
回复 :该剧根据简蔓同名小说改编,讲述了以男主章扬和女主周静芒为代表的一群高中好友,在努力实现梦想、彼此共勉的过程中,发生了一系列甜暖与曲折的校园日常,并在多年后重聚与青春和解的故事。