抠逼一个关于老板和他的初级同事之间逐渐发展的浪漫关系的故事。A story about a gradually developing romantic relationship between a boss and his junior colleague.
抠逼一个关于老板和他的初级同事之间逐渐发展的浪漫关系的故事。A story about a gradually developing romantic relationship between a boss and his junior colleague.
回复 :该剧改编自长冈弘树的同名小说,以培养警察的警校为舞台,描述学生们挑战极限、获得成长的故事,工藤阿须加、川口春奈、林遣都、葵若菜、井之胁海、富田望生、味方良介、村井良大等饰演警校的学生,将接受严苛教官风间公亲(木村拓哉 饰)的指导。剧集由君塚良一(《跳跃大搜查线》)编剧,中江功(《冰上恋人》)导演,将于2020年1月4日、5日连续两夜播出。
回复 :本剧聚焦第一位美国名人时装设计师罗伊·哈尔斯顿·弗罗威克的迅速崛起和衰落。哈尔斯顿以单名哈尔斯顿而闻名,在70和80年代的纽约打造了一个奢侈、性、地位、名声组成的商业帝国,直到一次敌意收购迫使他争夺控制他最宝贵的资产。哈尔斯顿最初是是一名女帽设计师,1961年杰奎琳·肯尼迪在丈夫的总统就职典礼上戴了一顶他设计的筒形女帽,哈尔斯顿从此名声大噪,随后他又将极简主义但精致、迷人但舒适的设计融入女装。哈尔斯顿有很多名人客户,哈尔斯顿还为美国奥林匹克代表队、女童军、纽约警局、布兰尼夫航空公司等设计过服
回复 :The Girl Before tells the story of Jane (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), who gets the chance to move into a beautiful, ultra-minimalist house designed by an enigmatic architect (David Oyelowo). There’s just one catch: occupants have to abide by his list of exacting rules. Jane starts to feel the house changing her in unexpected ways, but when she makes the shocking discovery that her predecessor Emma died in the house, she’s forced to confront unnerving similarities. As the two women’s timelines interweave, Jane begins to question if her fate will be the same as the girl before…