回复 :Aki and Naoko are childhood friends who are drifting apart as adults. Immersed in her family life, Naoko now has a husband and daughter; Aki, on the other hand, remains single and is on leave from work due to a personal crisis. The plot might sound familiar but it has never been told like this. The director Kusano Natsuka stages the interactions through an actors’ table-read and, as the lines are repeated, the scenes gradually develop into on-location conversations. Moreover, she repositions the dramatic peak of the story to the beginning: Aki has murdered Naoko’s daughter.Structurally inventive, Kusano's daring cinema implements ‘distantiation’ effects to get to the heart of friendship issues at times when life has settled. While the repetitions convey the suffocation of role patterns in both friendship and family, a line left out or added in unsettles and reminds us life can take unexpected turns.
回复 :
回复 :离乡多年的梁哲(梁戟 饰)回到山西老家,准备参加爷爷的丧礼,可是回家的路,远比他想像中漫长。从县城前往村子的途中,他转乘了四种交通工具,碰到多年不见的长辈、开着运煤卡车的老同学,更重遇初恋女友,还捡了一头流浪小狗。算命师傅说他命硬,他来到人生的渡口,故乡恍如异乡,岁月的伤疤仍在隐 隐作痛。本片荣获第6届平遥国际电影展费穆荣誉最佳影片。